29 August 2003
Call Senators Mike DeWine (614-469-5186) and George Voinovich (614-469-6697) to demand that the US government:

* Bring the Troops Home Now, End the Occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and Pay Reparations to Iraqis and...
29 August 2003
It is with great concern that we report to you that Mumia has developed a potentially serious health condition affecting his feet, which have swollen painfully, making him unable to walk. Mumia suspects it may be due to blood clotting, a...
29 August 2003
A national media spotlight has focused on the battle between the Constitution of the United States and some religious fundamentalists who viewed themselves as angels of Montgomery. The removal of a big Ten Commandments monument from an...
26 August 2003
AUSTIN -- One problem I have with Arnold Schwarzenegger is that he looks like a condom stuffed with walnuts. I realize that is superficial, shallow and unbecoming to a semi-serious-minded liberal like myself, but there it is. The other is...
25 August 2003
Part I: Progressives and the Dean Campaign

     Let’s take Howard Dean at his word: “I was a triangulator before Clinton was a triangulator. In my soul, I’m a moderate.”

     Plenty of evidence backs up...
24 August 2003
There's been, and still exists, a concerted and systematic effort to disregard and eliminate our civil liberties in the name of terrorism. We are witnessing an assault upon our heritage, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Liberty is...


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