It is Presidents’ Day, and President Donald Trump has made a bold statement regarding military spending—one that no other president in modern history has made. He claims he could cut the P...
The world is witnessing yet another chapter in the Trump administration’s reckless approach to foreign policy. This time, the target is Gaza, and the rhetoric is as outrageous as it is dangerous...
Today Putin’s Russia used a drone to hit the sarcophagus that covers seething nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, in Ukraine.
Here’s a strange question: Why is Elon Musk lying about Lutherans?The richest man on earth recently forced good people across the country to interrupt...
The Trump Administration, in place for only a little over three weeks, has gone full speed ahead in its advocacy for Israel. Donald Trump’s invitation to...
Nobody, especially Trump, knows it yet. His fate, his downfall, and his doom is, as we speak, being set in stone. And considering the roll he is on, few...
Is It An Inalienable Human Right to Self-Destruct and Take Others With You?Are a few decades of electric power really worth future millennia of radioactive...
The news daily can be disheartening under this apartheid system: Raids onbookshops and confiscating books, more ethnic cleansing, moretortured Palestinian...
I recently heard an interview on OnPoint Radio with Jane Clayson. The interviewsubject was an internist named Stuart B. Mushlin. He had practiced in the...
Canadians are among the world’s calmest, most polite, and gracious people. They are also, in my experience, peaceful, honest and modest. You never see...
This is a press release from Smart Elections, published on Substack and elsewhere- editor.New York, New York - - As electors in each state are voting for...
On January 22, the Ohio Student Association disrupted Ohio Senator Jerry Cirino’s press conference announcing SB 1, a regurgitated version of the widely...
Dr. Bob Fitrakis and Dan-o Dougan spin tunes and talk about sports songs.Listen live at 11pm February 7 and 14 streaming at or on the radio at 91....