What questionable military program did both former President Clinton
and current resident President W. Bush support wholeheartedly? The
National Missile Defense (NMD) program. This program is a highly
suspicious use of our tax dollars...
21 September 2003
On Aug. 6, Duante Miller, 20, was shot to death by two police officers as he ran from them through a housing project in Columbus Ohio. How has the mainstream media covered it?
Victim Gave Police Reason To Shoot Him,” the...
Victim Gave Police Reason To Shoot Him,” the...
18 September 2003
AUSTIN, Texas -- The administration is now in The Full Ostrich
on Iraq: Dick Cheney put on a fabulous performance last Sunday on "Meet the
Press," in which he insisted everything in Iraq is trickety-boo, right as
rain and cheery bye. I...
18 September 2003
Presidential candidates have become fond of asking whether
Americans are better off now than they were four years ago. Looking
back at a sensational Time magazine story that appeared in late
September 1999, we might want to ask a similar...
11 September 2003
Without a hint of intended irony, the “NewsHour” on PBS concluded
its Sept. 9 program with a warm interview of Henry Kissinger and then a
segment about a renowned propagandist for the Nazi war machine.
Kissinger talked about his latest...
10 September 2003
Before the age of computers, there were all kinds of ways for a local politico to "mess" with the voting apparatus. He could arrange for a mechanical machine to count wrong. Or, the names of people in cemeteries could be kept or put on the...