05 September 2003
When I hear pundits warn that Iraq is becoming a “quagmire,” I wince.

     “Quagmire” is a word made famous during the Vietnam War. The current conflict in Iraq comes out of a very different history, but there are some...
04 September 2003
AUSTIN, Texas -- It is insufficient to stand around saying, "I told you Iraq would be a disaster." Believe me, saying, "I told you so" is a satisfaction so sour it will gag you when people, including Americans, are dying every day.
04 September 2003
During the Cold War, the CIA, in the words of long-time agent Ralph McGehee, practiced the art of "deadly deceits." Throughout the Third World, the secret spy agency engaged in covert operations, blatant acts of economic destabilization...
02 September 2003
If you run a lootocracy, you have no conception of sufficiency. You set up the rules to grab as much money as you can, as if you've won a supermarket shopping spree. You also concentrate power, the better to arrange the world for your...
01 September 2003
It seems fitting that a president who was brought into office because of a scandalous election would enact a law to overhaul the electoral process to make it easier for people to choose their leaders the second time around.  
29 August 2003
Call Senators Mike DeWine (614-469-5186) and George Voinovich (614-469-6697) to demand that the US government:

* Bring the Troops Home Now, End the Occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, and Pay Reparations to Iraqis and...


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