
10 March 2006
Reviews of:

A film by Eugene Jarecki

Directed by Jonathan Demme

As our nation lurches sickeningly toward outright fascism, it's both liberating and...
10 March 2006
Here we are, in early 2006, and the headlines are briefly given over to the disclosure that the oil companies have been underpaying their royalties from drilling on U.S. public lands by $7 billion.

There was a time...
10 March 2006
The man who stole the 2004 election for George W. Bush -- Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell -- has posted a picture of himself addressing the white supremacist ultra-right Council for National Policy (CNP). He then pulled the...
08 March 2006
In mid-June 2003, when former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's criticism against the White House's use of pre-war Iraq intelligence started to make national headlines, Vice President Dick Cheney told his former chief of staff and close confidant...
08 March 2006
Detroit hosted Super Bowl XL in February amidst a city staggering with nearly 50,000 abandoned houses and a 14.1% unemployment rate. Police swept the homeless off the streets to project a goodly image to the world.

08 March 2006
As a progressive ‘yellow-dog’ Democrat who happens to work in the Ports for New York Harbor find it urgent to speak on the current Dubai fiasco. 

Republicans and Democrats alike have taken aim at this takeover of the...


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