The Feingold resolution to censure Bush over illegal wiretapping is the single most important measure of qualification for 2008 Democratic Presidential candidates. The measure is incredibly mild. Democratic Senators should be calling for...
19 March 2006
Airplanes crashing into buildings. Daily body counts from Iraq and Afghanistan. Hospitals filled with hideously mutilated young service men and women. Prisoners being tortured and abused. People being beheaded. Religious leaders urging us...
19 March 2006
The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) calls for the impeachment of South Dakota Governor Michael Rounds for signing a bill that would effectively outlaw abortion in South Dakota. The Governor and proponents of the law have openly declared that...
19 March 2006
The identity of intelligence officials who are thought to have passed information about covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson to Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter"
Libby, surfaced in a federal court...
19 March 2006
According to a report released last week by the Justice Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) violated procedures for wiretapping and other methods of obtaining intelligence more than 100 times in the last two years. The...
19 March 2006
It is my purpose here to continue our examination of the Executive Branch in relation to the powers of war. I expect to raise a few reasonable doubts about the premises and consequences of currently prevailing war-powers doctrines, which...