In the aftermath of 9-11, American politics and government went slightly insane. America turned its collective back on 200 plus years of successful democratic government and turned toward its dark side. The national security state began to...
26 February 2006
To the editor:
This regulation provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations.
This regulation provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations.
24 February 2006
The NY Times Wednesday reported that under a 1993 amendment to existing foreign investment law, the U.S. government is required to conduct a mandatory 45-day investigation if the investing company is owned and/or controlled by a foreign...
24 February 2006
AUSTIN, Texas -- So, aside from the fact that it's politically idiotic and at least theoretically presents a national security risk, just what is wrong with the Dubai Ports deal?
As President George W. Bush actually...
As President George W. Bush actually...
24 February 2006
Death is always in the news. From local car crashes to catastrophes
in faraway places, deadly events are grist for the media mill. The
coverage is ongoing -- and almost always superficial.
It may be unfair to blame...
It may be unfair to blame...
24 February 2006
"Levitan the painter and I went out to the woodcock mating area yesterday evening. He fired at a woodcock, and the bird, wounded in the wing, fell in a puddle. I picked it up. It had a long beak, large black eyes, and magnificent...