
Articles by Author

Guy shopping at Co-op
30 September 2015

   The Free Press is distressed to learn that the long-time stalwart resource for healthy foods, progressive literature, and ecologically sustainable...

Photo of people with political sign
30 September 2015

   The voters of Toledo are to be congratulated! By more than a 2 to 1 margin of victory, they abolished any jail terms and penalties for possession of...

Man with protest sign
10 September 2015

Citizens concerned with corruption and accountability in the City of Columbusheld a non-partisan rally to peacefully protest the corruption at Columbus City...

Photo of Amos Lynch
05 September 2015

Amos Lynch

Everyone refers to Amos Lynch as the “godfather” of black journalism. But he was more than that.

PUCO logo
29 August 2015

Mon, August 31, 10am, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio [PUCO], 180 E. Broad St.

The PUCO has postponed the hearings for the third time, to August...

Poster promoting Black Theater Festival
03 July 2015

Each year the Columbus Black Theatre Festival deals with topics that pertain not only to the African American community but society at large and...
