
Articles by Author

Women United for Change logo
19 April 2016
WHAT   Educational and advocacy event to learn more about legislative solutions to issues impacting women.  

WHEN ...

Toledo Move to Amend logo
17 March 2016

On Tuesday, March 15 nearly 64% of Toledo’s citizens voted YES on ISSUE 1 in support of a constitutional amendment to abolish corporate...

Gary Chasin and Dan Weisenbach
02 February 2016

Columbus lost two prominent local business leaders last year, each embodying one of the three basic principles of environmentalism: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle....

King speaking to a crowd
17 January 2016

Mon, Jan 18, 8am-12noon, First AME Zion Church, 873 Bryden Rd.
Police Officers for Equal Rights sponsors the annual Martin Luther King Jr. holiday...

People marching for climate change in a park
09 December 2015

December 12, 2015 – 2pm

Various locations

Join us to show the world that Ohio wants climate justice, a transition to 100% renewable energy and...
