We launch GREEP Zoom #212 with a lovely poem from our Laureate MIMI GERMAN, who tells us about the feminist community of Rohava in northern Syria.
Co-convenor MIKE HERSH introduces Prof. ERIC KINGSON takes us on a long journey for saving Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid, which he says have deep popular support.
MARGARET VILLANI expresses her concern about the lethal swoop now trashing Medicare & Medicaid.
ELLEN GOTTLIEB from Save Social Security & Medicare tells us of upcoming Florida events.
Longtime organizer DANIELA GIOSEFFI warns that the dispersal of personal from Social Security & Medicare comprise an urgent threat.
We hear from ROBERT COPLIN on California’s SSI shortcomings.
KEVIN EISENSTADT seeks guidance on the best time to take SSI benefits.
DONALD SMITH and MICKI LEADER warn about the need to sustain public support for these public institutions.
Grassroots organizing questions come from BRYAN BLAKELY.
Environmental broadcaster KEN GALE checks in from WBAI with vital green info about ECO-RADIO.
Plutonium at Livermore is also opposed by MARJORIE MIKELS, who tells us about upcoming demonstrations there.
The No Nukes community is thanked by HEIDI VIERTHALER who adds new about her Green Energy Economy work.
Safe Energy activist MYLA RESON evokes the Plutonium that’s contaminated the Greater Denver region & remembers the great Dr. Karl Johnson and the Rocky Flats guards who shot 3-headed rattlesnakes.
We hear from DAVID ANTOS about a young activist named NABILA SAYED.
BARBARA HARRISON ask for our Environmental Network.
Radio legend LYNN FEINERMAN asks if the US will ever have a Jewish president.
The highly democratic process of knowing your neighbors is outlined by MIMI, MIKE & LYNN.
Building local community is evoked by MURTAZA MOGRI.