Articles by Author

30 April 2013
When W builds his library,
I have a plan,
an old-fashioned 3-holer,
an outhouse set in quicksand.
A throne for Bush,one for Cheney,...
12 August 2007
When W builds his library,
I have a plan,
an old-fashioned 3-holer,
an outhouse set in quicksand.
A throne for Bush,one for Cheney,...
16 March 2007
Parts missing,follow the signs.
Chickens,turkeys and game hens
marinating in cheap wines.
Shake and bake or barbeque
let the party...
01 February 2007
Dear Molly,

It just came on the news,you have passed away.That phrase doesn't do you justice. You were a fighter,a screamer,a true believer of...