AUSTIN, Texas -- A jaw-dropping article in The Texas Observer ( shows that two lobbying clients of Jack Abramoff paid $25,000 to Grover Norquist's group for a lunch date and...
03 June 2005
The right-wing's multi-front war on American democracy now aims at our core belief in separation of church and state. It includes an attempt to say the founding fathers endorsed the idea that this is a "Christian nation," with an official...
03 June 2005
Ironically this week, Mark Felt, former Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, revealed that he was Watergate's "Deep Throat" and perhaps the most famous whistle-blower in our nation's history, but the embattled Deputy...
02 June 2005
AUSTIN, Texas -- So, the Texas Legislature decided it's OK for gay couples to be foster parents, but only if they're not married. I would explain what message that sends, if only I understood it.
Look at it this way...
Look at it this way...
01 June 2005
Tuesday's revelation that W. Mark Felt, the former number two man at the FBI, was the anonymous source known as Deep Throat, who helped Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein unravel the Watergate scandal in the pages of the Washington Post 30...