There was something unsettling about Donald Rumsfeld recent tough-talk speech in Singapore in which he described his concern over what he viewed as China’s alarming weapons buildup. Rumsfeld speech was the top story next day in the Los...
11 June 2005
As Mark Felt, one of the main responsible FBI officers overseeing illegal counterintelligence programs targeting the American Indian Movement and other groups in the 60s and 70’s, is hailed as a hero for catalyzing the toppling of the...
10 June 2005
"I guess my vote don't matter anymore."
The shiv to the gut of democracy that occurred last Nov. 2 can be found in reams of data and volumes of eyewitness testimony, but first it's in those words or it's nowhere at all, and if we hear...
10 June 2005
As the Senate votes in Bush's long-filibustered nominees, the nuclear option
compromise is looking more rancid than reasonable. The seven Democrats who
helped broker the compromise pledged not to filibuster except in the most...
08 June 2005
Beware. This could be your tax dollars at work.
The federal government may guarantee hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to help a former energy executive who publicly admitted he had no idea that the division he once ran cooked...