
27 March 2007
There's only one reason a man with a wife with incurable breast cancer and two small children at home should be running off to run for president.

         Not because he wants the job, or even because she wants it for him....
27 March 2007
There’s a new clue to the motivation behind the recent firing of federal prosecutors. Reporters Gordon, Talev and Taylor of McClatchy Newspapers established a likely relationship between the post 2000 hard right turn in civil rights...
27 March 2007
Al Gore has leapt to center stage with well-founded concerns about global warming. He has been gratefully successful in publicizing the fact that there is a virtual library of irrefutable evidence that carbon dioxide levels are rapidly...
26 March 2007
Friends, Romans, Countrymen,

I'm sorry that I haven't been up-to-date with every ebb and flow of this disaster, but believe me I have been following it all. A little background, please forgive me if you have heard this before...
26 March 2007
I think Karl Rove should be permitted to testify to Congress in private, without taking any oath, and without any record being kept of what he says.  I had hoped we could avoid the indecency of having to spell out the reason why, but...
26 March 2007
If you could secretly tell a magic genie "Yes" and receive a million dollars but cause the deaths of a million people you've never met in China, would you say No?  This is no longer just a philosophical brain teaser.  The U.S. House of...


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