18 April 2007
They and Edwards Refuse to Oppose a Bush-Cheney Attack on Iran

NEW YORK CITY (April 16, 2007) MONDAY – Congressman and Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is challenging his fellow candidates' votes to...
18 April 2007
I do not hesitate one second to state clearly and unmistakably: I belong to the American resistance movement which fights against American imperialism, just as the resistance movement fought against Hitler.
---Paul Robeson...
18 April 2007
With over 1400 local events, the April 14 National Day of Climate Action, www.StepItUp07.org, offered a national wakeup call, with citizens in every state raising their voice. But even as we build on...
16 April 2007
It is not election season.  It is citizen activism season.  The eternal election season is draining all sorts of energy away from our democracy.  And it's not just the corporate media promoting it.  Activist groups like Moveon.org are...
12 April 2007
When Senator Russ Feingold and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid propose cutting off the funding for the war, they are proposing the only thing that can possibly benefit U.S. troops.  In fact, there is no way to make any sense of the idea...
12 April 2007
Kurt Vonnegut published over two dozen books, including 2005's "A Man Without a Country." It's a book that is brutally honest in its hopelessness, in fact – I think – overly hopeless, and yet humorous. It may even be hopeless in order to...


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