
03 September 2020

It is difficult - and futile - to argue which American president has historically been more pro-Israel. While former President Barack Obama, for example,...

02 September 2020

“Have you gotten my new book (It's Worth It: How to Talk to Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighborsyet? You're going to  like it especially in these times. We must not leave...

23 July 2020

Ohio's biggest-ever bribery case is rocking America's reactor industry…and the fall election.

Full details of the shocking arrest of Ohio's powerful Speaker of the House are still unfolding.

But on Monday...

15 July 2020

Fully Referenced Facts About Covid-19 that Refute Most of the US Mainstream Media’s Biased Pro-Big Pharma/Pro-Big Vaccine Corporate Narrative, Provided by a Group of Unbiased Medical Experts...

Hand putting ballot in box
06 July 2020

A Florida election protection lawsuit filed July 1 could help decide the fall 2020 vote count.

Signed by three Florida Democratic legislators, the suit demands that electronic ballot images be preserved in accordance with federal...


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