
The Great Reset
01 January 2021

“There’s class warfare alright. But it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” – Warren Buffett

“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized...

Book cover
21 December 2020

Following Donald Trump’s triumph in the 2016 election, Ohio writer Jef Benedetti asked a disturbing but not impossible question: What if the two major political parties were colluding to keep power at the top while keeping the rest of...

Image of election results
28 November 2020

You did it! You flexed your electoral muscles and made history. Marijuana voters – all 13+...

12 November 2020

BANGKOK, Thailand -- "We love them all," King Maha Vajiralongkorn
said, expecting tens of thousands of protesters to "compromise" after
they defied imprisonment during the past two months by demanding
limits to his...

Empty building with Voting Rules sign
03 November 2020

The big news is that the electronic pollbooks in Franklin County, Ohio (Columbus) provided by the vendor KnowInk crashed due to problems uploading data overnight, according to the Franklin County Board of Elections.


Details about event
26 October 2020

Released in time for the election, Fish in a Barrel is an exposé of how the NRA’s history of alleged campaign violations have stymied popular efforts to make even modest reforms on access to firearms, despite hundreds of mass...


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