Bradley Manning, whistleblower, leaker of "classified" information, who was held for about 3 years in pre-trial detention by the Obama government, over a year of which was spent in torturous conditions, has been sentenced to 35 years in...
20 August 2013
In an August 15 Rolling Stone interview, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) made what appeared to be an inadvertent disclosure of some of the contents a classified intelligence committee document. Buried at the back of the article was a question...
19 August 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- Hindus and Christians in eastern India refused to
allow the burial funeral of a woman who converted from Hinduism to
Christianity, and her body remained in dispute until police found a
neutral site on government...
19 August 2013
Stopping crime before it happens is a great idea, but stopping young men for “walking while black” — touted by true believers as the same thing — is a game played by an occupying army.
The tactic is called stop-and-frisk. As...
The tactic is called stop-and-frisk. As...
18 August 2013
In what might be it's last gasp of investigative national security reporting before the finalizing of Jeff Bezos' CIA sponsored buyout, the Washington Post released...
18 August 2013
Last week Attorney General Eric Holder delivered an unprecedented speech concerning America’s oldest war. Perhaps hoping to carve out a positive legacy that works to bring an end to the War on Drugs, Holder has undoubtedly initiated a step...