Just like the leadup to Iraq, the mass media missed another opportunity to report on what is really going on. Just like the propoganda leading up to the invasion of Iraq, most of the media has been quietly ignoring what has gone on in Ohio, Florida and elsewhere. In effect, the mass media is now part of the problem, because they only act as a mouthpiece for the Executive branch. We no longer have a democracy in the media, that reports on two sides of any issue. The mass media oftens seems to do nothing more than pass through whatever the President says. They cannot seem to do any investigative reporting, even if a pink elephant is standing in the room, staring them in the face.
The current voting problems do not go away just because Republicans deny them and accuse those who are trying to bring light to this situation of being unpatriotic traitors, communists or terrorists. (Sound familiar?)
By denying any problems exist, the problems just get worse. We are in effect rewarding those who are abusing our rights. We are all giving permission to those who are abusing all of us as well as democracy to continue the abuse. The victim of abuse often thinks that they are the problem, when it is really the abuser who is at fault.
The 2000 and the 2004 lack of reporting on elections problems are evidence of massive denial of any problems with voting processes or outcomes in the US. The 2008 'elections' process will be worse again, unless someone stands up and forces positive change to happen.
For the first time since the 1800's, someone stood up and very politely pointed to the elephant in the living room. I deeply appreciate what Senator Boxer did with the help of 29 House Representatives, most of whom were black. Blacks know what it is like to not have any voting rights at all.
These brave heroes are fighting for all of us, whether we appreciate it or recognize this basic fact. A few very courageous individuals are pointing to the abuser and saying; wow; there really is an elephant standing in the living room. Now, which mass media outlet is going to be brave enough to point out that there are also massive piles of elephant dung lying around and start investigating what is really going on?
Democracy is not really democratic if the outcome is rigged to turn out a certain way. Freedom is not really freedom if denial and coverups of fraud and acceptance of abuse are just seen as being 'normal'.
Freedom to me means that at the very least that one is able to investigate problems and then talk about them without being accused of being a traitor, commie or terrorist sympathizer. What does freedom mean to you?
Are we more free or less free by denying, covering up and denying voting fraud? For more information go to:
What really happened to our votes in Ohio, Florida and elsewhere?
The current voting problems do not go away just because Republicans deny them and accuse those who are trying to bring light to this situation of being unpatriotic traitors, communists or terrorists. (Sound familiar?)
By denying any problems exist, the problems just get worse. We are in effect rewarding those who are abusing our rights. We are all giving permission to those who are abusing all of us as well as democracy to continue the abuse. The victim of abuse often thinks that they are the problem, when it is really the abuser who is at fault.
The 2000 and the 2004 lack of reporting on elections problems are evidence of massive denial of any problems with voting processes or outcomes in the US. The 2008 'elections' process will be worse again, unless someone stands up and forces positive change to happen.
For the first time since the 1800's, someone stood up and very politely pointed to the elephant in the living room. I deeply appreciate what Senator Boxer did with the help of 29 House Representatives, most of whom were black. Blacks know what it is like to not have any voting rights at all.
These brave heroes are fighting for all of us, whether we appreciate it or recognize this basic fact. A few very courageous individuals are pointing to the abuser and saying; wow; there really is an elephant standing in the living room. Now, which mass media outlet is going to be brave enough to point out that there are also massive piles of elephant dung lying around and start investigating what is really going on?
Democracy is not really democratic if the outcome is rigged to turn out a certain way. Freedom is not really freedom if denial and coverups of fraud and acceptance of abuse are just seen as being 'normal'.
Freedom to me means that at the very least that one is able to investigate problems and then talk about them without being accused of being a traitor, commie or terrorist sympathizer. What does freedom mean to you?
Are we more free or less free by denying, covering up and denying voting fraud? For more information go to:
What really happened to our votes in Ohio, Florida and elsewhere?