Join the nationwide effort to flood the offices of our member of Congress with calls demanding an end to the U.S. war in Iraq. Let's make it clear: there cannot be "business as usual" in Washington until effective action to bring all the troops home is taken! Call your Representative and both Senators on Thursday, September 6th. Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Tell them: I want you to act now to end the war and occupation of Iraq. The Congress has the Constitutional right and a moral responsibility to use the power of the purse to withdraw all U.S. soldiers and contractors from Iraq on a rapid and binding schedule. Four and a half years of this war is too long - it has to end now!

Not sure who represents you in Congress? Look Here.

Background: In September, Congress will focus on Iraq. They will vote on the President's request for continued funding of the war. At this writing, the request stands at $142 billion, but Bush will probably increase it to over $190 billion! Congress is not required to give Bush any of this money, or even to bring the request to a vote. Congress can also put restrictions, firm withdrawal timelines and other conditions on any funding in order to force an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

Thank You!

Sue Udry
Legislative Action Coordinator
United for Peace and Justice
301-565-4050 x315
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