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  • Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER values! in EntityCacheControllerHelper::entityCacheLoad() (line 84 of /home/freepress/web/
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On Sunday, October 31, the Free Press brings two spine-tingling films to the Drexel East Theatre.
"Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election" - Re-live the horrors of the coup!
"Unconstitutional" - The evil John Ashcroft taking away your civil rights!

Each film is one-hour long, followed by an hour discussion by co-director Joan Sekler and local election activists.
Double feature starts at 1:30pm and again at 7:30pm. One of these must fit into your schedule.
$8 admission, $6 students and seniors, $10 with the new book by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman: "Imprison Bush: WHy the President must be tried as a war criminal."
Drexel East Theatre, Main Street, Bexley.
Sponsored by Citizens Alliance for Secure Elections, the Election Protection Coalition, WVKO, Columbus Alive, League of Pissed Off Voters and the Free Press. 253-2571,