Todays presentation features the great AMORY LOVINS in a monumental recorded conversation on the rise of a renewable/efficiency-based economy.

Todays presentation features the great AMORY LOVINS in a monumental recorded conversation on the rise of a renewable/efficiency-based economy.

This discussion was presented at a Green Grassroots Emergency Election Protection zoom (#157, Part 2) on November 13, 2023.

In 1975, Amory gave a pioneer talk at the TOWARD TOMORROW FAIR in Amherst, Massachusetts.

Amory's landmark vision introduced the world to the coming realities of a totally green-powered Earth.

In his later Road Not Taken, published by Foreign Affairs Magazine, Amorys breakthrough insights have helped lay the foundation for one of humankinds most critical technological revolutions"and one of it biggest industries, with revenues reaching into the multi-trillions, and job-creating in the multi-millions.

Amory later personally delivered the basic memorandum to Jimmy Carter, helping to birth (among other things) the establishment of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

We are proud and honored to present this cordial, productive and mind-boggling conversation with one of our most impactful green heroes.

Find it here:!%20(-,Audio%20Excerpt,-)