Below are the advertisers on the Glenn Beck Show. If you feel like it, contact them and let them know whether or not you appreciate their sponsorship of Glenn Beck's show. You can remind them of Glenn Beck's comments, like "I think President Obama is a racist" and "The Hurricane Katrina survivors are scumbags" and ""I didn't think I could hate victims faster than the 9-11 victims." You could ask these advertisers if they endorse or reject Glenn Beck's comments and insinuations.

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The Glenn Beck Show can be heard between 9 AM and noon weekdays on 610 WTVN, Brian Dytko, General Manager, phone number 486-6101. You could suggest that WTVN's parent company, Clear Channel, return Progressive Talk to the radio airwaves in Columbus so the majority of people in our community have a station that they do not find insulting and hateful.

Many of the advertisers did not realize that their ads were running during the Glenn Beck Show. This campaign has already made a difference. The Ohio Lottery and Ohio Health have pulled their ad buys during the Glenn Beck Show.

Here are recent advertisers heard during the Glenn Beck Radio Show:

Rep. Zack Space (D), yes a Democrat is a Glenn Beck sponsor!!! The ad was paid for by the Ohio chapter of the National Education Association:
Ohio NEA 228-4526, Rep. Space (202) 225-6265

3C Body Shop, 274-8245 ask for Bob Juniper

Dave Fox Remodeling, 459-7211, ask for Bryce

Care Heating and Cooling, 841-1555, info(ATSIGN)careheatingcooling(dot)com

Half-Price Books 214-360-0833

Bruck Safe Company, 882-2236

Granite Tranformations, 219-1226

Giant Eagle, 1-800-553-2324

Safe-lite Auto Glass, 614-210-9015, ask for Matt J.

Stone Creek Dental, 452-4650

Dealer's Lumber, 252-2123

Immke Northwest Honda, 764-9449

Tickets Galore, 889-2989

Auto Body Collision and Glass, 759-1100, ask for Steve

Ohio State Medical Center (robotic surgery), 293-3670, marketing department

Ohio Male Performance Clinic, no surprise here! 538-2200

Time Warner,384-2626 Ask for Dawna

Hummer Columbus, 717-9494

And, here are the advertisers of The Glenn Beck TV show on Fox News, weekdays 5:00 to 6:00 PM:

Massey's Pizza, 866-0700

Dr. Robin Beran, 939-1600

Original Mattress Factory, 921-1223, ask for Tony

WOW, 948-4600

Byer’s Auto, 791-8686

Dr. Nina Deep, 855-5555

Paintball Ohio, 784-1104, ask for Jim

There is a national effort to contact the advertisers of the Glenn Beck radio and TV shows. Learn more about it at:

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