He's gone too far this time, and we can make him pay. This sounds like a dream, doesn't it? Well, it's not. We have a unique opportunity right now to send Karl Rove to jail, but only if we take immediate action. Watch the video, then take action.

All we have to do is pressure the 40 members of the House Judiciary Committee, make them hold Rove in contempt and send him to jail. We've never had such a direct opportunity to hold Rove accountable. No, this is not enough punishment for his years and years of crimes, but it's a huge start, and will send a very clear message to the entire Bush administration.

Our friends at Brave New Films put together this video to explain the issues surrounding Rove's failure to testify before Congress, and why Rove should be held in contempt and sent to jail. We've teamed up with Brave New Films and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington to hold Karl Rove accountable. Check out Send Karl Rove to Jail, and sign our petition to ensure that the House Judiciary Committee holds Rove in contempt.

We're delivering the petition to all 40 members of the House Judiciary Committee this Thursday, so time is of the essence. Karl Rove is hiding under the cloak of "executive privilege" — a cloak that doesn't apply to his alleged dirty dealings with the Department of Justice. Congress has the power to force Rove to testify; all we have to do is convince them to use it.

Tell Congress: we won't sit idly by while Karl Rove spits in the face of justice. After you sign the petition, be sure to tell a few friends.

Will Easton, Activism Manager CREDO Action from Working Assets