Thousands of entities accross America have used the 911 tragedy. Unless you are blind, deaf, stupid, or Republican, it is clear Washington has used the 911 tragedy to promote fear, terror, incite the passions of the people and cover up homefront failures. Washington has used the 911 tragedy as a robe of righteousness to justify and cover every act and deed, as a cloak of patriotism to make war, annul constitutional and civil rights and condemn every American who disagrees as unpatriotic even subversive. We are reliving the Sen. Joe McCarthy era when thousands of decent, honest Americans were destroyed for political gain. I gave two years of my life to this country in Korea '51 to '53. My immediate family only, cared if I lived or died, and 50,000 didn't. I can tell you as a Surgical Tech. In a field hospital, thousands died later of their wounds and some wished they had. I came home to jeers and ridicule. President Eisenhower objected to the war. Republicans said vote for Ike and we will bring you home. Unfortunately duct tape Bush is by no means an Ike. I don't believe Ike ever used drugs or alcohol, and certainly never dodged a war.