It is important for readers to understand that when true root causes of illnesses are denied or  ignored by the medical profession - for whatever reason - erroneous diagnoses will inevitably be made, treatments will be inevitably misguided and any chance for the prevention of future illnesses will be impossible.     To read the expanded versions of the following 29 abbreviated articles (and scores of other important stories about iatrogenic vaccine injuries and vaccine failures from past years), go to:

  Why are Vaccine Adverse Events Not Acknowledged or Reported by Medical Professionals? Leah Balecha, RN, CCRN | Guest Writer on September 7, 2019       Legislators have the professional and moral obligation to protect children and support equality, but Senate Bill 2761 by Sen. Richard Pan, which would eliminate almost all vaccine medical exemptions, aims to segregate a minority of children from their right to an education. And even worse, for families who can’t afford homeschooling, SB 276 puts these vulnerable children […] Unintended Consequences: Dirty Viruses and Genes in Vaccines Michelle Cotterman | Guest Writer on May 15, 2019   What happens when our government regulatory agencies tasked with protecting the public’s health fails to disclose the risks known by the industry? In the case of viruses and DNA in vaccines, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has internally noted1 that “small amounts of residual cell substrate DNA unavoidably occur in all viral vaccines […] Hundreds of Children in Pakistan Hospitalized After Getting Oral Polio Vaccine by TVR on May 9, 2019   Hundreds of children in Peshawar, Pakistan were taken to hospitals suffering from nausea and vomiting after receiving the live attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV) on Apr. 22, 2019. The vaccinations were part of a nationwide anti-polio campaign. The incident sparked an attack against a local health facility in Peshawar by angry parents […] Fully Vaccinated School in Houston Closes Due to Pertussis Outbreak by TVR Staff on December 26, 2019   A Catholic high school in Houston, Texas closed early for the Christmas holidays due to seven confirmed cases of pertussis (whooping cough). St. Theresa Catholic School cancelled all classes and activities on Dec. 12, 2019 due to the outbreak. The school will re-open on Jan. 6, 2020 […] Ugandan Boy Dies of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome After Getting Measles-Rubella, Polio Vaccines by TVR Staff on December 15, 2019   Uganda Radio Network (URN) reported on Nov. 16, 2019 that the Ministry of Health of Uganda is investigating the sudden death of a boy who died on Nov. 14, 2019 after receiving the measles-rubella and polio vaccines at a community vaccination center in the town of Kalagi, Uganda […] “Vaccine-Derived” Polio on the Rise by Marco Cáceres on July 17, 2019   The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) last week reported that there has been a total of 22 confirmed cases of vaccine-derived polio paralysis, thus far, in 2019. The latest two cases involve a person from Sichuan province in China and a person in Angola […] Polio Eradication Stalls with Vaccine Strain Polio Outbreaks by Barbara Loe Fisher and Marco Cáceres on December 7, 2019   After 65 years of global polio mass vaccination campaigns, on Oct. 24, 2019 (“World Polio Day”) the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that, along with wild type 2 poliovirus declared eradicated in 2015, wild type 3 poliovirus has been eradicated from the earth […] Baby in Cuba Dies Two Days After Getting MMR Vaccine by TVR Staff on November 8, 2019   A one-year-old girl died in Cuba on Oct. 9, 2019 two days after receiving an MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccination. Paloma Domínguez Caballero was administered the vaccine at a clinic near Havana on Oct. 7. Within two hours, the toddler began to have symptoms of severe adverse reactions […] Nov. 14 Rally in DC To Raise Awareness About America’s Vaccine Injury Epidemic by TVR Staff on November 2, 2019   On Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019 from 10 am to 4 pm, there will be a gathering of families with vaccine injured children, doctors, lawmakers and civil and human rights activists at a rally on the National Mall in Washington, DC to raise awareness about the vaccine injury epidemic and honoring those who have been harmed […] Flu Shots May Be Even Less Effective This Year by TVR Staff on October 16, 2019   Just as publicity about the need for everyone to get a flu shot ramps up, there are signs that the influenza vaccine for this “flu season” (2019-2020) may be even less effective this year than last year […] One in Four Vaccinated Children in Chinese City Got Measles by Rishma Parpia on October 4, 2019   A new study shows that despite a measles vaccination rate of more than 97 percent, over a quarter of vaccinated children in Tianjin, China still became infected with measles. Even with two or more doses of measles vaccine, 8.5 percent of cases in the surveillance dataset and 26 percent in the case series […] Baby in India Dies One Day After Receiving Oral Polio and Pentavalent Vaccines by TVR Staff on September 11, 2019   Two-month-old Priyanka Biswal died on Sept. 5, 2019, a day after receiving the live attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV), pentavalent (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type B) vaccine and vitamin supplements at a Community Health Center (CHC) in Naranapur, India […] Vaccinated Nurse in Seattle Diagnosed With Measles by TVR Staff on August 15, 2019   A vaccinated nurse at Seattle Children’s Hospital was recently diagnosed with measles after having been exposed to a child who tested positive for measles infection. The child had been in the hospital’s emergency room on June 22, June 25 and June 26, 2019 but only showed symptoms of measles during the third visit […] Brain Injured Girl in Virginia Diagnosed With ADEM After Flu Shot by TVR Staff on July 31, 2019 (Ed. note: ADEM is Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis, a serious, widespread inflammation of the brain and spinal cord that damages myelin – the protective covering of nerve fibers. ADEM is known to follow vaccinations for influenza, human papilloma virus, meningococcus, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Hepatitis A and B.   In 2016, 14-month-old Kynslee Mullins of Spotsylvania County, Virginia was a healthy toddler who was just learning to walk and talk. The child’s health began to deteriorate shortly after receiving the influenza vaccine. One morning, Kynslee awakened “without the use of her entire body,” says her mother, Mary […] Asymptomatic Carriers of Diphtheria Identified in Canadian School by Kate Raines on July 10, 2019   A case of diphtheria has been confirmed in an elementary school in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Three other (previously vaccinated) people, who are asymptomatic carriers of the bacteria have been identified and are being treated in isolation. The diphtheria vaccine is only available as a combination vaccine (DT, Td, DTaP, Tdap) and its effectiveness wanes over time […] Baby in India Dies One Day After Getting the Pentavalent Vaccine by TVR Staff on July 3, 2019   A four-and-a-half-month girl died in India on June 15, 2019 a day after she was given the “five-in-one” pentavalent vaccine (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type B) at a rural child care center in the village of Kudluru, India. Soon after she was vaccinated, the baby developed a fever […] Infant in India Dies After Vaccination by TVR Staff on June 27, 2019   A one-month-old boy died in Telangana, India on May 11, 2019 shortly after being vaccinated at a rural child-care center in the town of Kamareddy. The child’s parents said that the baby became unconscious after receiving the vaccine and they subsequently took him to a private nursing home where physicians there declared him dead […] Another MMR Failure With Mumps Outbreak in Florida by Barbara Loe Fisher on June 7, 2019   An outbreak of mumps in 12 fully vaccinated students attending University of Florida, Gainesville campus had county health officials scratching their heads at the end of May. According to one media report, an Alachua County Health Department spokesperson said, “These things do happen. It’s a phenomenon that’s not completely understood,” […] Children in Two States Get Vaccine Strain Measles from MMR Vaccine by Marco Cáceres on May 29, 2019 Media sources in Michigan reported in April 2019 that two children in the state who were believed to have (wild-type) measles turned out not to have disease, after all. Genotype lab testing was conducted and it was found to match the (live/supposedly ”weakened”) vaccine strain measles virus […] Toddler in China Dies One Day After Rabies Vaccination by TVR Staff on May 22, 2019   A three-year-old girl in China died last month shortly after receiving a rabies vaccine. According to a report from the South China Morning Post, the child was taken by her father to a hospital the city of Lianyungang after being scratched on the finger by a pet dog […] Ineffectiveness of Measles Vaccine in South Sudan by Rishma Parpia on May 2, 2019   Children who have received MMR vaccinations are contracting measles, and parents and health care workers in South Sudan have raised questions regarding the effectiveness of the measles vaccine since vaccinated children are contracting the disease […] Do Vaccines Often Cause Serious Side Effects? by Marco Cáceres on May 2, 2019   A new poll by the European Commission’s (EC) Special Eurobarometer on Vaccines found that 48 percent of Europeans surveyed believe that vaccines often produce serious side effects... The face-to-face poll of 27,524 respondents was conducted by European market research firm Kantar between Mar. 15 and Mar. 29, 2019 […] Philippines to Charge Sanofi and Public Health Officials for Dengue Vaccine Deaths by TVR Staff on April 4, 2019   On Mar. 1, 2019, the Department of Justice (DOJ) in the Philippines announced that it had found probable cause to charge six officials from French vaccine manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur, ten Philippine health officials and officials of the country’s Food and Drug Administration and its Research Institute for Tropical Medicine with reckless impudence for causing the deaths […] Babies Die in India After Getting “5-in-1” Vaccine by TVR Staff on April 3, 2019   Two babies, aged six and eight weeks, died on Mar. 7, 2019 within 24 hours of receiving a “5-in-1” pentavalent vaccination at a primary health care center in Hyderabad, India. Another 32 children who received the vaccine came down with fever and at least four of them were reported to be in serious condition […] Mumps-like Parotitis Strikes Crew of U.S. Navy Ship by TVR Staff on March 14, 2019   The U.S. Navy’s amphibious warship the U.S.S. Fort McHenry (LSD-43) has been quarantined at sea for more than two months due to an outbreak of a mumps-like disease known as parotitis among its crew. CNN has reported that 25 sailors and Marines aboard the ship have been diagnosed with parotitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the large salivary gland that is located just in front of the ears […] Infant in Nepal Dies Hours After Getting DPT Vaccine by TVR Staff on February 20, 2019   Six-month-old Binod Ale Magar died on Feb. 3, 2019 within hours after receiving the DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) vaccine at a health care station in the Kailali district of Nepal. The baby’s uncle said the child was in normal health when he was administered the vaccination around noon […] Kentucky Investigating Multiple Infections Following Vaccinations by Barbara Loe Fisher and Marco Cáceres on February 6, 2019   On Feb. 1, 2019, the Department for Public Health (DPH) in Kentucky announced that it was investigating ”multiple infections associated with vaccinations” administered by a company called Location Vaccination of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky. The vaccinations were given at various business locations in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana […] Vaccine Side Effects “Downplayed” to Boost Vaccine “Uptake”? by Marco Cáceres on January 25, 2019   Contrary to popular belief, there are many board-certified doctors who are concerned about the safety of vaccines, and I have quoted many of them in past articles written for The Vaccine Reaction. Most of these physicians either administer vaccinations or used to administer them as part of their practices […] British Cancer Research Pioneer Dies Hours After Getting Yellow Fever Vaccine by TVR Staff on January 16, 2019   Prominent British physician Martin Gore, MD died on Jan. 10, 2019 just hours after receiving a routine yellow fever vaccination. Although the exact cause of death has yet to be determined, it was reported that Dr. Gore, 67, experienced total organ failure following the vaccination […]