Help raise money to continue the valuable discovery of privatized electronic vote recording and tabulation problems. If adequate funding is raised immediately, discovery will continue with meaningful machine inspections conducted by academic experts.

There are real and serious problems with the 2004 General Election results. Although we have seen similar issues in other states, the analysis in New Mexico, due to the availability of the data, and thoroughness and manner in which the analysis was conducted, has pinpointed serious problems according to specific machine types at the precinct level. Troubling patterns of unreliability and gross errors in the official election results especially in Native American and Hispanic communities have emerged. Problems include:

* 24,000 "under votes", that is , a ballot cast but no vote recorded, with the highest under vote percentages in Hispanic and Native American precincts - but only when those voters votes on specific electronic paperless voting equipment. These under vote rates in the same precincts dropped when voters used paper ballots.
* Over 2,000 phantom votes in the Presidential election alone (Over 10,000 across the state)
* A high number of incident reports of switched votes on touch screen machines
* Data manipulation by a third party vendor after the canvass report had been filed.
* Tally results from a poll tape that omit the name and results for Kerry altogether
* A disturbing review by a certified public accountant hired by the Secretary of State regarding the official results.

A lawsuit was filed in New Mexico state court on January 14, 2005. The primary purpose of this action is to obtain a permanent injunction against use of the voting machines that have been linked to these problems. In addition to this goal, we hope to also gain better understanding of the problems through extensive discovery and share those findings with organizations and the public on a national level. This is a unique opportunity.

Money must be raised quickly in order to move discovery forward in a timely and effective manner (see discovery update below for our initial findings). Currently we are in negotiations for machine inspection which, once agreement has been met, will require immediate cash flow. If we are able to secure adequate funding by the end of October we will be able to proceed.A minimum of approximately $70K must be raised in October to accomplish this in a meaningful way.

The total budget for the New Mexico research and litigation effort is $250,000. As a project of the International Humanities Center, a 501(c)(3) organization, Voter Action can offer donors tax deductibility to the full extent permitted by law. Checks should be made out to Voter Action/IH Center c/o Voter Action, PO Box 25651, Albuquerque, NM 87125. Credit card payments may be made at our website - Voter Action.
Gifts of stock can be made by contacting Pam Stokes at Voter Action New Mexico 505 823 6362 or Co Director Holly Jacobson 206 769 7185.

Please help us continue this work!