MFA’s powerful undercover investigation at a Butterball turkey facility in North Carolina has just led to even more criminal convictions of Butterball workers. On Friday, defendants Terry Johnson and Billy McBride were found guilty of animal cruelty after a bench trial.

Johnson and McBride join Butterball workers Brian Douglas and Ruben Mendoza, who were convicted in 2012 of criminal cruelty to animals arising out of the same investigation. Douglas's conviction marked the first-ever felony conviction for cruelty to factory-farmed poultry in US history.

MFA's undercover video reveals that the lives of turkeys in Butterball's factory farms are filled with fear, violence, and prolonged suffering. The turkeys confined to a life of misery at Butterball have been selectively bred to grow so large, so quickly, that many of them suffer from painful bone defects, hip joint lesions, crippling foot and leg deformities, and fatal heart attacks.

As the convictions pile up against animal abusers as the result of MFA’s groundbreaking investigations, we must continue to send a strong message to factory farmers that animal abuse will not be tolerated!

Please help support our vital work on behalf of abused and neglected animals like the turkeys at Butterball. Make a tax-deductible donation today to further our efforts to expose and confront animal abuse.

Your generous contributions allow MFA to send our brave undercover investigators into America's factory farms—capturing on hidden camera the ugly truths that animal abuse industries work so diligently to hide. We are oftentimes the only watchdog and voice farmed animals have.

MFA believes, as do you, that no animal should have to live a life filled with fear, violence, and unimaginable suffering.

Please make a tax-deductible donation today to help fund our vital efforts on behalf of farmed animals. Like you, we strive to build a future in which all animals receive the respect and compassion they so rightly deserve.