In a close, 5-4 decision, the Supreme court voted to uphold the entire Affordable Care Act - including the controversial individual mandate, which was preserved as a tax.

Firedoglake writers and activists have worked tirelessly on health care rights and were instrumental in the fight for the public option and women's' right to choose. We've taken that wealth of knowledge and put together a resource page at Firedoglake with fact sheets, in-depth analysis and more.

Head over to our Affordable Care Act Resource Page for more information on today's Supreme Court ruling

So what happened with this ruling?

Chief Justice Roberts found that even though it is not a constitutional use of Congressional power under the Commerce Clause or the Necessary and Proper clause, the individual mandate is a tax and therefore constitutional because of Congress's taxing powers.

In addition, the Court concluded that forcing states to give up all of their Medicaid funding for refusing to participate in the program's expansion was unreasonably coercive. The justices ruled that states can choose to take part in the Medicaid expansion but will not lose their current Medicaid funding if they don't.

Despite the dangers lurking in this bill, this decision has positive implications for progressives as it sets the stage for the next fight: achieving single-payer health care reform. Vermont is already heading down this path, and hopefully this affirmation of the health care law will embolden other states to follow their lead.

Firedoglake writers and community members will be writing about, debating and discussing this decision today at, and we invite you to sign up for a free account and join us.

Check out our Affordable Care Act Resource Page for information on today's Supreme Court ruling.

Thank you for your support of our efforts to fight for universal health care for all Americans. If and when another president picks up the mantle of health care reform, FDL will be there fighting for those whose voices are not being heard.

In solidarity,

Brian Sonenstein,