For millions of middle and working class families, a college education is the key to success and opportunity.
But it can be an expensive key. Many students are forced to take out thousands of dollars in loans to pursue their degree -- and if we don’t do something Congress is about to make that even harder.

Back in 2007, I helped to pass the College Cost Reduction and Access Act -- a bill that lowered the interest rate of Federal Direct Stafford Loans to 3.4% and made it that much easier for millions of students to take advantage of the opportunity America’s colleges and universities offer.

But now that opportunity is in jeopardy. Unless we extend this provision immediately, these rates will double to 6.8% -- and make keys to success for potential students across the country too expensive to afford.

No one should be denied the opportunity to succeed because of financial constraints. That’s why I’m joining with Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar to keep student loan rates right where they are -- and I’m asking you to join us.

Student loan rates are set to double on July 1st. We need to take action NOW. Click here today, and help us tell Congress to keep student loan rates down!

This provision is nothing new or unfamiliar -- lowering student loan rates to make college more affordable has garnered broad bipartisan support in the past.

Allowing student loan rates to increase would cost current students an average of $1,000 more per loan. In an economy where half of college graduates are either unemployed or underemployed, that is simply unacceptable.

In Ohio alone, this rate increase would affect more than 380,000 students. Amy and I are teaming up to make sure this does not happen -- we need to extend this provision right now, and we need you to fight with us.

We don’t have much time to get this done -- we need to take a strong stand. Click here to sign on, and tell Congress to keep student loan rates low.

No student should be denied the keys to success because it’s too expensive. Every student who is willing to put in the hard work and sacrifice to get a college education should be able to pursue it.

Keeping student loan rates at their current level is one way we can protect our students from skyrocketing college costs. We owe it to them -- and their future -- to get this done in the Senate.

Amy and I need your support. Click here to join us today.

Thank you for standing with America’s college students.
