Dear Molly,
My 86 year old mother and I greatly appreciate your honesty and logic. There was a recent congressional hearing on Halliburton's refusal for an entire year, to even minimally treat with chlorine, the contaminated Euphrates River water it was supplying to our troops in Iraq. The water had been taken from the river a mile downstream from an untreated sewage outlet. Two previous employees reported this gross negligence to higher-ups several times over the year, and were told to just keep silent about it. The two repeatedly complained that the fecal bacteria was giving them and troops digestive and intestinal problems but their pleas were ignored. I believe Halliburton's reaction should constitute treason, considering that such intentional negligence jeopardizes the very lives of our troops as well as their mission. Don't our soldiers have enough with which to contend under this incompetent "Commander in Chief" and Administration without sleezy, no-bid, thieving contractors trying to poison them?
Nancy Khoury
My 86 year old mother and I greatly appreciate your honesty and logic. There was a recent congressional hearing on Halliburton's refusal for an entire year, to even minimally treat with chlorine, the contaminated Euphrates River water it was supplying to our troops in Iraq. The water had been taken from the river a mile downstream from an untreated sewage outlet. Two previous employees reported this gross negligence to higher-ups several times over the year, and were told to just keep silent about it. The two repeatedly complained that the fecal bacteria was giving them and troops digestive and intestinal problems but their pleas were ignored. I believe Halliburton's reaction should constitute treason, considering that such intentional negligence jeopardizes the very lives of our troops as well as their mission. Don't our soldiers have enough with which to contend under this incompetent "Commander in Chief" and Administration without sleezy, no-bid, thieving contractors trying to poison them?
Nancy Khoury