With the November elections, the voters gave a clear mandate for the new Democratic Congress to end the war in Iraq. We hoped our newly elected officials would listen to the people, but they're already backsliding. We were appalled to hear Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, on Sunday's ABC show "This Week," say he would support a "short-term" increase of U.S. troops in Iraq. AN INCREASE IN TROOPS? What is Harry thinking? The voters didn't put his party in power to escalate this war, but the end it! Harry's website may be named GiveEmHellHarry.com, but now it's time for us to give him hell for buckling so quickly to Bush's war machine. Please take a moment out of your busy holiday schedule to call, email or FAX Harry Reid and tell him this just isn't acceptable.

Call: 202-224-2158 -- Democratic Leadership Office in DC (If that doesn’t work call his scheduler: 202-224-7003)
Email: Susan_McCue@reid.senate.gov (chief of staff)
Fax: 202-224-7327 -- DC Office

P.S. Harry Reid's actions make our plans to mobilize in Washington D.C. on January 27th even more pressing. Find out more about our upcoming actions and how to join us here: Code Pink Plans

You can use the sample letter below or write your own. Let Harry Reid know that he must honor the peace sentiment of the American people and bring our troops home!

Dear Senator Reid,

The November 7 election was a voter mandate for peace, not for escalating the war in Iraq. Your recent remarks supporting the sending of more troops in an ill-conceived effort to "pacify Baghdad" is an affront to the voters who put your party in power.

We passionately oppose such an ill-conceived escalation that will only lead to more dead and wounded American soldiers, and more dead and wounded Iraqis. It will not lead to peace, but only intensify the cycle of violence and inflame anti-American sentiments throughout the region.

After the historic November 7 election, this is no time for caving into the Bush war agenda. It's a time for honoring the peace sentiment of the American people. We call on you to oppose any escalation of US troops and firmly demand a timetable for bringing our troops home.
