Which America do you want? The America where citizens wishing to hear their elected leaders speak in person must first pledge their loyalty before being admitted? The America where citizens instead wishing to display dissent are banished to "free speech zones" across town?

The America where if the president says something confidently and often enough it does not have to make sense to be believed? The America where whatever the president says presently automatically negates whatever he said previously?

The America where bringing civility to Washington means the vice-president can tell a senator to "go f*** himself" on the senate floor? The America where CIA agents are illegally outed as revenge for dissent?

The America where deficits are exploding and leaving a mess all over our future? The America where, according to the vice-president, "deficits don't matter"?

The America where the gap between the thrivingly rich and the miserably poor is widening into a chasm? The America where transnational corporations merit more rights and influence than citizens?

The America where homosexual marriage is said to be the "greatest threat" to the family, greater than poverty, hunger, and joblessness? The America where "family" is defined by a narrow-minded morality?

The America where being "for education" means underfunding schools and cutting financial aid? The America where paved and logged forests are "healthy" and polluted air and water is "clean"?

The America where grief can be led to war based on little more than a hunch and a grudge? The America where democracy is brought by war rather than taught by example?

The America where cowboy bravado is substituted for careful diplomacy? The America where we have become the torturers?

The America where our priorities can be found in Iraq and on Mars? The America where universal health care is a right, but only for occupied nations?

The America where patriotism is defined by how many flags are displayed? The America where patriotism means following your leaders without question?

The America where due process and civil liberities are not safeguarded but trampled? The America where prisoners can be held indefinitely without trial?

The America where presidents claim war as their providential mission? The America where the wall between Church and State is in danger of crumbling?

The America where leaders govern by fear and division? The America where if you are not for us then you are against us?

It's your future to live in - which America do you want?

Todd Huffman, M.D. Eugene, Oregon