Any Way You Cut it, Any Poll You Read, Any Millennial You Talk to, Woman You Listen to, or Person of Color Who Trusts You — Everyone Already Knows the Historic Shift That Has Taken Place.

From Abortion to Climate, from Guns to Gays, from Free College to Free Palestine, from Pot to Pre-K. Pro-Union. Pro-Peace. Pro-Paid Family Leave. Anti-Alito, Anti-Wall Street, Anti-Rent Hike You’re Ordered to Pay. Dammit It’s Time — Give all Women the E. R. A.!

America Is Now a Liberal Nation — all of the above is what the majority of us believe, no matter what Trump or the pundits say.

We Americans generally don’t think of ourselves or our country as a bastion of liberal thought or progressive intentions. All too often we are told that our fellow Americans are gun-toting, feminist-hating, anti-gay war mongers. While there are, sadly, many practitioners of misogyny, bigotry, homophobia and violence, the truth is that the majority of Americans are kind and loving and full of compassion. People who believe in the common good. Neighbors who treat each other the way they want to be treated. Millions of citizens who aspire to “do the right thing,” who want to live in a society built on justice, equality and everybody getting a fair shake. Yes, those are the liberal, progressive values. And that is the America we’ve proudly become. 

Every amazing, exciting fact on this poster is the truth. Below, please read the sources and backup for everything we are stating here. If you work in the media or are a pundit, please start telling the truth about who we are. We, the majority of Americans, lean Left and, despite the appearances presented by the Right, we are not a nation of gun nuts. The majority of us are Women. The majority of us are Young — nearly half the population are Millennials and Gen Z-ers (46%), with Gen Alphas right on their heels.

And in a decade or two, the majority of Americans will be People of Color. According to the Census Bureau, we will no longer be a “white majority country” (already in 7 states and the District of Columbia, white people are the minority — Texas, Georgia, California, Maryland, New Mexico, Hawaii and Nevada).

Knowing these basic facts may explain why we find ourselves facing a group of very angry white Americans (mostly men) who are lashing out with all their old tricks — Christian Nationalism, the threat of fascism, the promise of more violence with another coup attempt, the out-of-control Supreme Court denigrating and relegating women to 2nd-class citizenship, not to mention hating on immigrants when we have 8 million jobs we can’t fill. And now the majority of the country finds itself forced to live from paycheck to paycheck — with, according to CNBC, half of all Americans having only $500 or less of cash-on-hand on any given day. It explains why the vast majority of struggling Americans, instead of storming the Capitol, have decided to fight back politically, to personally advocate for the liberal/progressive position on nearly every single issue, to join a union, to stop the banning of books, to save a species, to defeat the rich — to take actions that are in keeping with their liberal American values.  

And to reject what’s left of a decimated, hateful Republican Party — a “Party” that has won the popular vote for President only ONCE since 1988! 

AND NOW… Their most important mission is just weeks away: To elect the first woman President in the history of the United States!

The majority of Americans are LIBERALS, not Trumpsters. Yes, 74 million voted for him, and yes, that looks scary. But there were a friggin’ 157 million of us who did not vote for Trump — either because we voted for Biden or a third-party candidate or simply chose not to vote. We, once again, hold that power in our hands — the power to take America into a joyous future, or to let the bullies win. 

Join Michael Moore on Substack for more:  Here are the facts and the sources so you can do your own fact-check and share this good news about our Liberal America with others: