The “alternative” weekly newspaper formerly known as Columbus Alive seems to have abandoned the activist community in Columbus by eliminating listings of community meetings. Both the Central Ohio Sierra Club and Democratic Socialists of Central Ohio (DSCO) noticed that announcements of their monthly meetings were left out of recent issues. Alive, as it is now known, also moved the Tom Tomorrow cartoon to its back pages and made it very small, also a blow to progressive activists, who used to enjoy its commentary without using a magnifying glass. For the record, DSCO meets every third Thursday at Northwood Community Building, 2231 High Street at Northwood and call 614-470-2792 or visit to find out when the Central Ohio Sierre Club meets. Central Ohio Sierra Club monthly programs are held on the second Wednesdays of most months, 7:30pm at the OSU Museum of Biological Diversity, 1315 Kinnear Rd. The Alive does offer the most extensive calendar of bar-hopping events.