At the Veterans For Peace Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, on August 26, 2018, the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation awarded its 2018 Peace Prize to David Swanson, director of World BEYOND War.
Michael Knox, Chair of the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation, remarked:
“We have a culture of war in the U.S. Americans who oppose a war are often labeled traitors, unpatriotic, un-American, and antimilitary. As you know, to work for peace you must be brave and make great personal sacrifices.
“As a movement to change our war culture, the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation recognizes and honors courageous Americans who stand for peace by publishing the US Peace Registry, planning for the US Peace Memorial as a national monument in Washington, D.C., and awarding an annual Peace Prize.
“Previous Peace Prize recipients over the past ten years are the honorable Ann Wright, Veterans for Peace, Kathy Kelly, CODEPINK, Chelsea Manning, Medea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, and Cindy Sheehan.
“I am very pleased to announce that our 2018 Peace Prize is awarded to the honorable David Swanson – For his inspiring antiwar leadership, writings, strategies, and organizations which help to create a culture of peace.
“Thank you David for dedicating your life to ending wars. You are one of the most prolific writers, speakers, activists, and organizers for peace. The breadth of your work is staggering. You have enlightened us with books that are in the forefront of modern antiwar thought; and with speeches, debates, conferences, blogs, billboards, radio shows, online courses, videos, websites, and more innovative ideas than we can name. We want you to know that your efforts are greatly appreciated here and around the world.”
Photo by Camilo Mejia
Peace Prize Recipients
David Swanson 2018 Whose Inspiring Antiwar Leadership, Writings, Strategies and Organizations Help to Create a Culture of Peace.
Ann Wright 2017 For Courageous Antiwar Activism, Inspirational Peace Leadership and Selfless Citizen Diplomacy
Veterans For Peace 2016 In Recognition of Heroic Efforts to Expose the Causes and Costs of War and to Prevent and End Armed Conflict
Kathy F. Kelly 2015 For Inspiring Nonviolence and Risking Her Own Life and Freedom for Peace and the Victims of War
CODEPINK Women for Peace 2014 In Recognition of Inspirational Antiwar Leadership and Creative Grassroots Activism
Chelsea Manning 2013 For Conspicuous Bravery at The Risk of Her Own Freedom Above and Beyond The Call of Duty
Medea Benjamin 2012 In Recognition of Creative Leadership on The Front Lines of The Antiwar Movement
Noam Chomsky 2011 Whose Antiwar Activities For Five Decades Both Educate and Inspire
Dennis J. Kucinich 2010 In Recognition of National Leadership to Prevent and End Wars
Cindy Sheehan 2009 In Recognition of Extraordinary and Innovative Antiwar Activism
The US Peace Memorial Foundation directs a nationwide effort to honor Americans who stand for peace by publishing the US Peace Registry, awarding an annual Peace Prize, and planning for the US Peace Memorialin Washington, DC. These projects help move the United States toward a culture of peace by honoring the millions of thoughtful and courageous Americans and U.S. organizations that have taken a public stand against one or more U.S. wars or who have devoted their time, energy, and other resources to finding peaceful solutions to international conflicts. We celebrate these role models to inspire other Americans to speak out against war and to work for peace.
Our US Peace Registry recognizes heroes who have engaged in a broad range of peace and antiwar activities. Individuals who have written an antiwar letter to their representatives in Congress or to a newspaper are included, along with Americans who have devoted their lives to peace and opposing war.
A US Peace Memorial in Washington, DC is our ultimate goal. Most monuments in our nation’s capital commemorate war. While soldiers are told that it is heroic to fight and die for their country, peace activists are often labeled “un-American,” “antimilitary,” or “unpatriotic.” This mentality has resulted in a country that recognizes contributions to war and the sacrifices of the military, but does not honor those who make valiant efforts to end war and maintain global peace. It is time to dedicate a National Monument to peace. Our society should be as proud of those who work for alternatives to war as it is of those who fight wars.
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David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is director of and campaign coordinator for Swanson's books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk Nation Radio.He is a 2015, 2016, 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.
Follow him on Twitter: @davidcnswanson and FaceBook.
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