
Articles by Author

People at eviction court
30 July 2020

“Five days isn’t enough time,” said a tearful Latosha Aaron-Gavin outside the temporary eviction courtroom at the Columbus Convention Center on a recent...

Sign saying My outrage won't fit on this sign
27 July 2020

The United States of America has spent much of its modern history ignoring the most important problems it must solve to be able to move forward as a...

People at the rally
19 July 2020

Las primeras semanas de Julio, la intensidad de las protestas, resultado del asesinato de George Floyd, se ahn ido disipando. Esto ha sido un tema de...

Lots of people at rally arguing
19 July 2020

During the first weeks of July, the intensity of the protests resulting from the murder of George Floyd, had gradually faded. This has been a matter of...

Black man with his head in his hands
16 July 2020

After Columbus police maced City Council President Shannon Hardin while he was peacefully protesting, activists were certain he would finally flex his...

15 July 2020

Fully Referenced Facts About Covid-19 that Refute Most of the US Mainstream Media’s Biased Pro-Big Pharma/Pro-...
