Image from social media.  Credit "Atheist Memes" FB group

J.D. Vance once called Donald Trump “America’s Hitler.”  Now it’s become a MAGA/Nazi call to arms.
Vance’s billionaire tech bros have made him their digital messiah, ready to run the world for Musk, Thiel, Gates and Bannon…with Trump as their stooge.  
But even they can’t hide der would-be Fuhrer’s festering dementia. 
So here are three ways you can help stop the Trump/Vance/Bannon fascist takeover: 
  1. Go to Center for Common Ground (  ) and sign up to make phone calls to potential voters in crucial swing states;
  2. Go to Communities United for Justice (  ) and help sponsor on-the-ground canvassers to help Get Out the Vote where it will make a difference;
  3. Search The People’s Hub for Grassroots Democracy Organizing ( ) for more than 50 groups that could use your help to guarantee a free & fair 2024.
And if you’re supporting a third-party candidate, do a swap with a safe state voter and reclaim your vote from the Electoral College.  It’s legal, legit and effective.  See  
Amidst a uniquely insane campaign, this year’s deepest danger lies with voter suppression and a dirty pro-Trump vote count bought by fascist billionaires.  
The tactic dates to Florida 2000, when the violent “Brooks Brothers Mob” terrorized poll workers to stop the vote count and put George W. Bush in the White House.  
Their putsch was certified by a Supreme Court on which Clarence Thomas still sits.  The fascist Mob’s legal team included current Supremes John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett, all now poised to put Trump back in the White House…with no limitations on his power. 
Amidst that 2000 election theft, Greg Palast documented how Jeb Bush stripped 90,000 citizens of color from the Florida voter rolls, handing his brother the presidency.  
In a race decided by 537, Bev Harris tracked 20,000 dubious digital votes flipping around Volusia and other counties.
In Ohio 2004, Bob Fitrakis and I—-with Steve Rosenfeld —-showed how Karl Rove’s tsunami of “irregularities” gifted Bush a second term.  
We thoroughly briefed John Kerry’s team in Columbus—-many of whom we knew personally—-about what had happened.  He was thoroughly informed.  But he blew us off and did nothing.  
Hillary Clinton did much the same in 2016, when still more “irregularities” gave Trump swing states Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania…and the presidency.  
But after two decades of serious grassroots organizing, the election protection movement in 2020 delivered a (mostly) free and fair contest based on hand-marked paper ballots, audited with digital scanners, backed up by hand counting.
Now, in 2024, in ruthless anti-democracy reaction, Team Trump/Vance—-coordinated by Steve Bannon—-has launched a lethal blitzkrieg with even more massive voter purges, intimidation, “irregularities” and fraud.  
Palast’s brilliant new film “Vigilantes Inc.” ( ) documents how Trump operatives are again stripping registration rolls in swing states like Georgia, lining up for a 2024 coup.  
But forewarned is forearmed.  There’s no excuse this year for whining that there’s “nothing I can do.”  Make phone calls, support a canvasser, see the 50+ grassroots groups at
And if you’re supporting a third-party candidate, do a swap to maximize your vote.
But if you do nothing…and find yourself in Dachau in 2025….don’t blame anybody but yourself.  
Harvey Wasserman co-convenes the Green Grassroots Emergency Protection zooms most Mondays 2-4pm PT, and co-hosts the “California Solartopia” Show at most Wednesdays 5-6pm PT.