OK, president Obama professes his Christian beliefs and admits to
reading Joshua Dubois' daily devotional meditations for inspiration.
Yet he is deliberate in conceding Islam is a "great religion" in his
latest official responses to the Charlie Hedbo murders and immolation
of a Jordanian pilot. The White House refuses to link any of these
acts to the "great religion" of Islam. Though this sentiment, or
narrative if I may, is not shared by members on both sides of the
political aisle, there is one bi-partisan agreement that I have heard
reiterated by various politicians via the fourth estate-that Islam is
a "great" religion being corrupted by radicals. This is where the
inescapable duplicitous nature of belief in the supernatural rears its
irreconcilable head.
The religious undertone is covert-my religion (Christianity in this
case) is the true religion while that other (Islam) one is "great".
Which demands the question; can something be false and great? Or if
something is so great why don't you believe in it? Here it seems
appropriate to raise the famous quote; "Tell me the reason you do not
believe in any other god but your own and you will have the reason I
do not believe in any god". At least the Islamists responsible for the
abject, absurd, and barbarous acts have the courage of their
convictions. They mean to say, and do so every day, infidels and
apostates deserve no humane treatment. The covert message heads of
state have historically NOT raised is that all Abrahamic religions are
irreconcilable and incompatible and will always, therefore, be at odds
and struggle with one another. Thus the rational and logically
overwhelming need for separation of religion from government.
I am in total agreement with the first lady's recent refusal to obey
the post bronze age tradition of wearing a head scarf while in the
land of the Saud during the president’s visit to acknowledge the new
King Salman's ascendancy to the throne. She must not think this
religious practice is as "great" as her husband does. As far as the
National Prayer Breakfast (in which the event is dubious, at best, in
regard to it's constitutionality) facts the president made us recon
with, I personally I prefer a Professor and Chief over a 'Panicker'
and Chief. It's refreshing to have a head of state who thinks before
acting. However it is overtly obvious that, leaving India one day,
after admonishing the prime minister of women's suffrage and religious
and non-religious tolerance in his country, only to go to Saudi Arabia
the next and say nothing about the historical human rights abuses of
that nation, this is directly related to the earth's natural resource
of oil. We know today oil is one of the only things that can make
heads of state act in such manner. However the covert religious
messages are severely understated-that religion, Judaism, Islam,
Christianity, etc., is the ultimate purveyor and foundation for why
and how country's should be governed.
The real politik and therefore consequences of the innate (perpetual
and forever) splitting and separating nature of Abrahamic religions
should be a transparent adult grown up conversation that ALL heads of
state resolve together. Why? Because the survival of our species and
this planet are at stake. There are too many heads of state, US
included, who wield the power of energy (nuclear) that can annihilate
humankind and who are influenced by the perpetually incompatible (by holy precepts
Bible and Quran), irreconcilable, and separating energy(passion) of supernatural beliefs not to have this conversation.
gyamfi gyamerah