Dear Colleagues,

As part of our mission as a affiliate of the National Association of Black Journalists, we are charged with the job of monitoring how African-Americans are presented in the news media.

I believe the editorial cartoon that appears in the Columbus Dispatch dated, August 4, 2005 is both insensitive, in incredibly poor taste and offensive to the memory and legacy of Bill Moss.

While many of us may have differed with Mr. Moss and some of his tactics, neither his basic honesty nor his commitment to bettering the lives of children in the Columbus Public Schools has ever been called into account.

I noted the day that Moss passed away, WBNS-TV on it's 6:00 pm news program featured in it's report by Maureen Kocot a file tape of Moss wearing military fatigues and banging his shoe on the table during a Board of Education meeting.

I criticized Mr. Moss for that act in a column I wrote, but to make that one act the most significant act of his life by both the Dispatch and WBNS does not seem accidental to me.

Both news organizations are owned by the Wolfe family and they and Moss have often been in contention.  It would appears even from the grave that Mr. John Wolfe is going to villify Mr. Bill Moss.

I believe CABJ should immediately issue both a press release condemning the disrespctful demonization of a respected  civic leader of Columbus and request a meeting with Dispatch editor-in-chief Ben Marrison or Glenn Sheller the editorial page editor of the Dispatch to discuss this matter.

  Jeff Winbush