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06 September 2024

Everybody Knows plays on WGRN 91.9FM Friday nights at 11:00 PM, and streams live on

This week Dr. Bob and Dan-o talk about and play songs by artists performing this year at the...

05 September 2024

Republicans called Obama a communist, when all his worst actions as president were continuations and expansions of Bush’s policies. Democrats called Trump a Nazi when his worst acts were continuations and expansions of Obama’s policies...

04 September 2024
Traditionally, Labor Day polls predict November’s presidential outcome.
If so, Kamala...
Details about event
23 August 2024

Dr. Bob Fitrakis and Dan-o Dougan play tunes by some of their favorite local Columbus musicians. Hear Willie Phoenix, Willie Pooch, Donna Mogavero, Ray Fuller, the Royal Crescent Mob, Gathering Stars, Tom Harker the Ukuele Man, Bob...

 Man holding a sign saying Protect Free Speech Stop Project 2025
05 August 2024

Project 2025, labeled the Presidential Transition Project, is the 920-page Republican Party plan to be implemented after (not if) they “win” the presidential and congressional elections in November. It...


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