
Free Press Senior Editor and "Solartopia" columnist Harvey Wasserman co-convenes the GRASSROOTS EMERGENCY ELECTION PROTECTION COALITION zoom, which airs most Mondays at 5pm eastern time.  With Steve Caruso, he co-edits the  website. 

Harvey is a Voting Member of Greenpeace USA and Senior Advisor to the Nuclear Information & Resource Service. 

He is author or co-author of about twenty books, including SOLARTOPIA! OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH, A.D. 2030 and HARVEY WASSERMAN'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES.  


Harvey and co-author Bob Fitrakis have been called "the Woodward & Bernstein of the 2004 election" by Rev. Jesse Jackson. Their HOW THE GOP STOLE AMERICA'S 2004 ELECTION and THE STRIP & FLIP DISASTER OF AMERICA’S STOLEN ELECTIONS are published by the Columbus Institute of Contemporary Journalism. Their WHAT HAPPENED IN OHIO? (co-authored with Steve Rosenfeld), the leading document book on Ohio 2004, is published by New Press.

Harvey's journalistic writings and columns have appeared in major newspapers, magazines and throughout the internet since 1967, when he wrote one of the first editorials for legalizing pot--- published in the U.of Michigan Daily and carried worldwide by the United Press.

Wasserman and Fitrakis have appeared on Lou Dobbs, Democracy Now! and numerous other major US media.

Harvey’s radio shows are at and KPFK-Pacifica, Los Angeles. He has spoken to numerous campus, citizen and other gatherings throughout the US, Canada and Japan.

 In 1967 he helped found the legendary anti-war Liberation News Service, which in 1968 moved to the organic, communal Montague (Massachusetts) Farm.

In 1973 Montague became a launching pad for the grassroots safe energy movement. Harvey helped coin the phrase "No Nukes" in the successful fight against twin reactors proposed nearby. In 1976 he helped organize the Clamshell Alliance, which staged the first mass demonstrations against the Seabrook nuclear plant. In 1979 he helped organize the Musicians United for Safe Energy (MUSE) concerts in Madison Square Garden. In 1994 he spoke for Greenpeace to 350,000 semi-conscious fans at Woodstock 2.

Harvey writes and speaks widely against atomic power and for a totally green-powered Earth.  His SOLARTOPIA! is the first published utopian visioning of a planet free from fossil/nuclear fuels. With Minnesota windpower pioneer Dan Juhl he co-authored HARVESTING WIND ENERGY AS A CASH CROP: A GUIDE TO LOCALLY OWNED WIND FARMING. (

Harvey has taught history and journalism at Hampshire College, Capital University and Columbus State Community College.  He has helped in successful campaigns to stop and shut many nuke power reactors, save the Pickerington Ponds (Ohio) wildlife refuge, shut a central Ohio trash-burning power plant, stop a regional radioactive waste dump, ban a McDonald's drive-through from the town of Bexley and stop the bombing of Noman’s Island off Martha’s Vineyard.

He is a co-organizer of the “DREAM” MARCH FOR DC STATEHOOD, GREEN JOBS & JUSTICE planned for Washington, August 27-30, 2021.

Harvey and his wife Susan have five daughters and many grandchildren



Columbus Free Press

Job Title: 

Senior Editor

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