Over the past few weeks, I have emailed out a number of very powerful pieces that were written by very respected journalists and researchers. (See the list of three of them at the end of this piece.)


Following this flurry of postings, I received the following complaint about the length of the emailings (all of them were about the COVID-19 issue) from a fellow anti-war, anti-tyranny activist. It went something like this:


Gary there's too much to read, with all the other stuff I feel I need to keep up with.  I wish I had more time.  But, quickly reading over the piece, the 1% figure caught my attention.  If it was likely I'd die once in every 100 times I went somewhere with the car, I'd feel that was too high of a risk to take. The coronavirus seems to fall into that 1% category, if not higher.”   


My answer went something like this:


“Given that the entire planet seems to have been bamboozled by the endlessly repeated distortions of COVID statistics, I feel that it is my obligation to gently correct you about your understandable fear that the risk of dying from a coronavirus infection is ONE out of a HUNDRED (1%)! I suspect that most people who get their information from the Mainstream Media have the same (irrational) fear.


“Please pay attention to the following statistical facts that contradict what is being propagandized on every media outlet, including television, radio and national, regional and local print media:


“You and a multitude of others have similar, irrational, propaganda-induced fears of dying of the new epidemic (which has only affected a tiny fraction of 1 % of the population and has contributed to the killing of an even tinier percentage of the population).


“As just one example, it must be noted that only 0.1% of the population of China ever got COVID, despite well-propagandized media reports that successfully made most of us think that the entire population of China was at risk of dying.


“I sympathize with your thoughts about considering the risks of catching the virus, but I would suggest doing a more formal risk assessment calculation from the statistics that are published by the record-keepers as innately flawed as they are, given the serious evidence that there are a significant number of false negatives AND false positives with both the PCR swab testing and the serological antibody tests. In fact there is reported to be as many as 40% false negatives with the more technically difficult-to-perform (and unaffordable) coronavirus antibody tests that have not yet been approved for widespread use because none of them have been subjected to rigorous testing by the FDA.


“Here are some of the calculations that I have recently made that should be reassuring to you.


“The assortment of statistics concerning the risks of actually getting COVID as of mid-April are far less that the 1 out of a 100 that you mentioned, which if true might even make me concerned. Hint: The risks are far, far less. Read on, Gary.”


1] The reported number of COVID infections (not all lab-confirmed!) in the US (as of today) is 564,000 cases. The US has a population of 330,000,000 (330 million), which, when divided into the 564,000 calculates out (at 0.0017) which represents a miniscule percentage chance of getting infected with COVID of 0.17% (170 infections out of every 100,000 Americans).


2] The risk of dying of COVID in the US (23,000 deaths so far, again an inflated number, mainly because of the many false positive PCR tests and the actual over-counting “guesswork” involved in filling out the death certificates) is even more unlikely at 0.007% (23,000 divided by 330,000,000 equals 0.0000696, or 7 Americans dying from COVID out of every 100,000 Americans).


3] Most of this miniscule risk of dying, it must be emphasized, is borne by the frail, the chronically ill, the elderly, the malnourished, the over-medicated, the over-vaccinated, and the terminally ill patients that are vegetating, often bed-ridden, in nursing homes. etc. 


4] An important, but rarely mentioned statistic is the number of presumed COVID-19 deaths per million population of any given nation. In the US, that number, as of mid-April is 15 (per million), meaning that only 15 Americans out of every 1,000,000 have died of COVID. That means that 999,985 out of every million Americans HAVE NOT DIED from COVID.


5] To put the US presumed COVID deaths per million into perspective, the number in the Scandinavian countries is in the high teens or twenties per million. Italy’s COVID deaths per million population is 218; Spain’s is 201; Germany’s is 11; Canada’s is 3; Israel’s is 3; China’s is 2 Brazil’s is 1; etc, etc!!)


6] Another important number to understand is the number of all cause deaths that occur each day in any given country, a number that has been averaged out over recent decades. As an example, 2,500 Germans die every day and 7,755 Americans die each day. Naturally, the vast majority of deaths occur in the elderly population that are mostly pre-terminally ill for one reason or another, including what happens during every one of the viral influenza pandemics that occur every year.


7] America’s All-cause Daily Death Number is 7,755 (= 2,830,690 deaths per year); India’s Daily deaths amount to 26,670 deaths; Japan’s is 3,630; Italy’s is 1,737; France’s is 1,647; Russia’s is 1,444; Canada’s is 780; Brazil’s is 920; Australia’s is 447; Sweden’s is 250; Israel’s is 122; etc, etc.


8] And, it is important to realize that the locations of deaths in America occur 60% of the time in a hospital, 20% in nursing homes and the other 20% occur at locations outside of institutions, usually at home.


9] For Minnesota (population 5,600,000), the risk of contracting COVID (total Minnesota cases, as of mid-April = 1621 cases) is a miniscule 0.00289% (1641 divided by 5,600,000 = 0.0000289). The vast majority of the cases are in high density metropolitan areas that are in the southern half of the state. 


10] My Duluth home is in St Louis County (population = 199,000). As of April 18, there are 52 cases with 8 deaths, which yields an incidence of 0.000026 (or 0.026 % chance of getting a COVID infection; that is, 26 people are infected out of every 100,000 county residents) and a death rate of 0.000042 (or a 0.004% chance of dying from COVID = 4 people dying out of every 100,000 county residents).


11] The risk of contracting COVID for those of us that live in the northern half of Minnesota is even tinier. There were zero cases Up North until mid-March, following which the numbers only gently trickled up from zero by a handful of cases each day.


12] One must keep in mind that the CDC’s Bureau of Statistics is strongly encouraging (actually ordering?) all American physicians to list “COVID” as the cause of death on discharge and death certificates of every patient that was either test-positive or simply suspected of having COVID during the hospitalization, illness or death at home or on the street. This is true even if the patient was actually a terminally-ill, Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) elderly patient who would be expected to succumb to their pre-existent cardiac, pulmonary, renal, immunologic and/or hepatic diseases that were therefore also being “treated” with large numbers of potentially toxic prescription drugs.


13] Because of the significant incidence of faulty and unapproved PCR tests, it is important to be mindful that an unknown, but significant percentage of coronavirus test-positive cases are actually false positive cases and therefore patients with common colds (or even no symptoms at all) can easily be erroneously confirmed as COVID-19! There are also known to be a certain percentage of cases of benign coronavirus illnesses, including A] cases of the common cold that can be caused by a coronavirus; B] cases of MERS or SARS-type coronavirus infections; or C] asymptomatic carriers of one of the many other non-COVID-19 strains of benign coronaviruses.


14] In Iceland’s extensive screening system, there is a 50% false positive rate in totally asymptomatic Icelanders that never developed any flu-like illnesses. Were these folks just on the verge of getting a common cold, carriers of a benign, non-COVID-19 coronavirus or was the test flawed?


15] So, I say to those of us who are fortunate enough to live in non-metropolitan areas like northern Minnesota, take a deep breath, take a walk, take a drive, go to the grocery store, exhale when passing someone on your un-masked walk, consider even giving a big hug to a fellow, un-infected, hug-compliant friend that has quarantined him- or herself for the past couple of weeks - and stop worrying so much.


16] But, don’t forget about the global elites that are mentioned in each of the powerful articles linked to above, for they may be either orchestrating this crisis or are making cunning, profitable use of it.


Some of them may deserve to be behind bars (and not just the CDC/NIH/NIAID/WHO/Gates/Rockefeller etc. entities), but also the president and his billionaire-saturated cabinet, his wealthy Dow-Jones investors, his Big Pharma, Big Bank corporate cronies on Wall Street and War Street and every other billionaire that has been happily enriched by Trump’s administration’s legislative agendas. These sociopaths are currently salivating at the thought of dividing up amongst themselves and purchasing - at deep discounted prices - the foreclosed home mortgages and failed small businesses when the dust finally settles on a destroyed economy.


You and I (and our fellow seekers after truth, peace and justice) might just be energized again in our efforts to resist the tyrannical visible and invisible governments and the assorted globalist powers-that-be, and start working to see that they don’t get re-elected and perhaps even putting some of them behind bars. 


Here are the most important articles that I have emailed out in recent weeks:


1] Peter Koenig’s powerful 3,500 word Global Research article on the COVID “crisis”: https://www.globalresearch.ca/corona-aftermath/5708875);

2] Spiro Skouras’ powerful 45 minute video on the COVID “crisis” and the New World Order: https://www.activistpost.com/2020/04/henry-kissinger-bill-gates-call-for-mass-vaccination-global-governance.html; and

3] Scott Tips’ powerful 6650 word article on the COVID “crisis” at: https://thenhf.com/2020/04/04/never-has-so-little-done-so-much-harm-to-so-many/?mc_cid=0727426e4d&mc_eid=21cd1d37e5.




And here is an important, inconvenient list of truthful information about the COVID “crisis” from a Canadian vaccine activist group at: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com (731 words)

1.              There is no scientific evidence to substantiate the effectiveness of “social distancing” as a      medical intervention to reduce COVID 19 transmission and infection.

2.     The imposition of mass and indiscriminate self-isolation measures prevents the development of natural immunity necessary to secure herd immunity.

3.     It is the opinion of experts that efforts to suppress the virus through self-isolation measures prolongs the outbreak and puts more lives at risk, damages our economy and the mental stability and health of the more vulnerable.

4.     The number of deaths attributed to COVID 19 is unreliable given the inclusion of “presumptive” deaths and the failure of the medical system to differentiate between individuals dying from COVID 19 and those with co-morbidities dying with COVID 19.

5.     This failure inflates the risk of mortality from COVID 19 and undermines confidence in any actions based on mortality statistics.

6.     The presentation of the mortality data, expressed as a percentage of deaths of tested and confirmed cases, is distorting the data and creating undue fear. This data fails to include those who contracted the virus but were not tested nor confirmed and who recovered without medical intervention.

7.     The number of reported deaths attributed to COVID 19 is not out of “normal” range when compared to the annual mortality from influenza and pneumonia recorded through the last decade.

8.     There is no data to indicate that the total excess mortality in Canada has increased substantially from previous years.

9.     Mortality modeling by the World Health Organization, Imperial College of London, and the US Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation have all been drastically downgraded. Strategies based on these numbers are no longer valid.

10.  The Canadian government has not been transparent with its data, modeling, or containment exit strategy.

11.  The use of surveillance technologies to monitor citizens is illegal and a clear violation of our right to privacy.

12.  The suspension of our civil liberties is not justified by the level of risk posed by COVID- 19.

13.  The suspension of our right to liberty, to travel, and to conduct commerce is not justified by the level of risk posed by COVID-19.

14.  The suspensions of our rights to participate in community and in commerce is causing substantial and irreparable harm to our economy, livelihoods, communities, and the physical and psychological well-being of Canadians. There is no evidence that these harms are being considered in the modeling.

15.  The closure of our courts of law is unprecedented, illegal, unconstitutional, undemocratic, unnecessary and impedes the ability of Canadians to hold our governments accountable.

16.  The closure of our parliaments is unprecedented, illegal, unconstitutional undemocratic, unnecessary, and impedes the ability of Canadians to hold our governments accountable.

17.  As of this date, the Prime Minister of Canada has not invoked the Emergencies Act. Therefore, emergency measures announced by the Prime Minister and his public statements to Canadians to “just stay home” have no legal basis or authority, are an abuse of power, resulting in confusing and unlawful messaging.

(Thanks to my friend, Canadian whistleblower and unjustly de-frocked UCC (United Church of Canada) pastor Rev. Kevin Annett for alerting me to Vaccine Choice Canada and their very informative list. To learn more about Kevin’s past 20 years of persecution by the powers-that-be in Canada (Big Multinational Forestry corporations, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, UCC, the Canadian government, the Vatican, etc), click on some of the links below:)

Kevin Annett's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at https://youtu.be/rCRrEqeWoOM


See also insightful personal interviews "Who is Kevin Annett?" (2013) at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4h3hDjOYM;



Kevin Annett can be heard live every Sunday at 6 pm Eastern Time at www.bbsradio.com/herewestand.

See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at www.murderbydecree.com and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk4g5l7FcFc&list=PLYEnChrKOgm7aRDzbo6yfswzCEdMl2P8e&index=1 . 


And here is a list of a few of the dozen books Kevin Annett has written:

Murder by Decree - The Crime of Genocide in Canada: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1530145619


www.murderbydecree.com and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk4g5l7FcFc&list=PLYEnChrKOgm7aRDzbo6yfswzCEdMl2P8e&index=1 . 


1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada or, The Caucasian Healing Fund : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1541034961


At the Mouth of a Cannon: Conquest and Cupidity on Canada's West Coast https://www.amazon.com/dp/1983790842 , https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JZKNDJK  


Truth Teller's Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers & Hell Raisers:



Establishing Liberty: The Case for the Republic of Kanata




Dr Kohls is a retired rural family physician from Duluth, Minnesota who has written a weekly column for the Reader Weekly, Duluth’s alternative newsweekly magazine since his retirement in 2008. His column, titled Duty to Warn, is re-published around the world. 


Dr Kohls practiced holistic mental health care in Duluth for the last decade of his family practice career prior to his retirement in 2008, primarily helping psychiatric patients who had become addicted to their cocktails of psychiatric drugs to safely go through the complex withdrawal process. His Duty to Warn columns often deals with various unappreciated health issues, including those caused by Big Pharma’s over-drugging, Big Vaccine’s over-vaccinating, Big Medicine’s over-screening, over-diagnosing and over-treating agendas and Big Food’s malnourishing food industry. Those four entities can combine to even more adversely affect the physical, mental, spiritual and economic health of the recipients of the medical treatments and the eaters of the tasty and ubiquitous “FrankenFoods” – particularly when they are consumed in combinations, doses and potencies that have never been tested for safety or long-term effectiveness.