Shawn Tulecke-Paulson is a contributing writer at Columbus Free Press and the editor at The Foghorn News. He can be reached at:

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Articles by Author

Whistleblower Manning and Wikileaks Co-founder Assange
03 January 2021

[BREAKING NEWS UPDATE 1.4.2020: A UK court ruled today Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange is not psychologically fit to face extradition to the United...

Many turn to teleconference for Christmas
24 December 2020

Many families and workplaces are celebrating holiday gatherings through...

Julian Assange
19 September 2020

The power of Wikileaks in upholding whistle-blower rights is the reason millions of dollars has been spent...

02 October 2019

The first bullet entered under her left arm. The second bullet entered her left breast – inches from her heart – after grazing her hand which required...

Rep Kennedy Kent Barred From Meeting By Democratic Minority Caucus Legal Counsel Sarah Cherry
31 May 2019

Rep Bernadine Kennedy Kent publicly announced Thursday she notified the House Speaker...

Guys waving flags and with Ku Klux Klan signs
26 May 2019

Dayton police protected nine KKK members with hundreds of police yesterday at a two hour Honorable Sacred Knight of the Klu Klux Klan’s Members and...
