On April 20th 2011 a year will have passed since the state of Ohio took the life of Da'rryl Durr. He had spent 22 years on Death Row. In that time he wrote to many people and if you are reading this then you may well have been someone who enjoyed hearing from Da'rryl and being challenged by his views and outlook on life despite the dreadful life he had lived on Death Row for so many years.

Less than three hours before he died Da'rryl spoke on the phone to Erwin James a reporter from the Guardian newspaper. Da'rryl told him "If there is a difference that you can make in the life of another person, you want to make that difference." He went on to say, "Please give my love to everybody that supported me and tried to help me. And when you write about me, do me a favour and please – are you familiar with St Paul's treatise on love?" .... "Tell them that's what I believe: in faith, hope and love – and that the greatest of these is love."

Da'rryl had such a strong spirit and determination that it seems fitting on this anniversary of his passing to do something to keep his memory alive. I would ask anyone who feels strongly that they want to mark this occasion to think about carrying out one or more of these actions on or close to April 20th :

1) Faith - those who share Da'rryl's belief in God please pray for the family of Angel Vincent who have to live with the loss of their child and carry that loss everyday. Also pray for Da'rryl's family - his children and grandchild as they face this first anniversary, and for Gina who misses Da'rryl so greatly. Pray that God will move in the hearts of those in a position of power who can influence the continued use of the death penalty in Ohio and across the world.

2) Hope - there are many people still suffering on Death Row in the USA and around the world. Believe that with campaigning you can change the world! Write a letter to the new Governor of Ohio - tell him about Da'rryl Durr and ask that he seriously consider that it is time for Ohio to abolish the death penalty. (Illinois have just done that very thing so have hope that Ohio will follow).

Governor John Kasich
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, Oh 43215-6117

3) Love - Da'rryl was so limited by his situation yet he would do what he could to reach out and help other people as he said to Erwin James - make a difference in the life of another person! Think about doing something practical - help someone locally, think about becoming a penfriend to someone on Death Row, make a donation to a charity to help people in need.

Thank you for reading this appeal. If you are in contact with anyone else who knew Da'rryl please send this message onto them,

With very best wishes,
Julie, a friend of Da'rryl Durr