
Bush gained a small measure of respect worldwide when he did not delay the Iraq elections. I have to admit that I was surprised that he pushed the Iraqis to keep the election date. Why is he not pushing peace in the same way for the Isrealis and Palestinians?

We will see if Bush and the US oil companies are as willing to pull out and leave the oil profits to the Iraqis.....

Overall, the US is paying for installing Saddam as a dictator with the help of the CIA, after also arranging for the assassination of a democratically elected leader there. It is very expensive to undo the installation of a dictator, in terms of both blood and money.

Hopefully the US will now establish a non violent foreign policy of promoting democracy through  education and attraction, (with such things as the Peace Corp) and get away from the previous policy of assassinating democratic leaders and then installing dictators "friendly" to the US corporate interests through a foreign policy of exporting violence. 

Bottom line, do onto others as you want it done onto you is the universal golden rule. If we can install dictators in other countries to control their profits, then why would we have a right to complain if China or Saudi Arabia installed a dictator in the US to control US citizens? After all, we are a threat to their way of life, just as Saddam was a threat to our way of life.

China and other countries now have a right to invade the US (without us attacking them first) using the same logic that that the US used to invade Iraq. We have weapons of mass destruction, and Bush has announced he is ready to use them anywhere, anytime. He has invaded a country that did not invade the USA. The US is now a threat to all countries worldwide. All countries worldwide now have a right to legally defend themselves using violence and force in a preemtive manner against the USA. The US is lucky to not be under attack from dozens of countries at this moment.  

Eric Straatsma