President Bush has asked Congress for $76 billion to pay the initial costs of the war in Iraq. For the same amount of money, we could hire 1,155,715 elementary school teachers to educate America’s Children.
One second of war in Iraq ($12,730) = Twice what the U.S. spends per year, per child, in primary education ($6,043)
Digest of Education Statistics. One minute of war in Iraq ($763,000) = Headstart Education for 115 children ($6,633 per child)
National Priorities Project. 2.8 hours of war in Iraq ($45.8 million per hour) = Nutrition supplements for 200,000 eligible families not covered ($130 million)
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities. Five days of war in Iraq ($1.1 billion per day) = Eliminate illiteracy worldwide ($5 billion)
World Game Institute
Compiled by Frida Berrigan, Senior Research Associated, World Policy Institute.
Digest of Education Statistics.
National Priorities Project.
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.
World Game Institute