
For the first time in U.S. history, a people's tribunal has served both the Counsel to the President Harriet Miers and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales with indictments charging the President and his administration with war crimes and crimes against humanity (read these indictments at

Funds are urgently needed to fly in the remaining key witnesses. Checks should be made out to "Not In Our Name" and mailed to Not In Out Name, 305 West Broadway, #199, New York, NY 10013. Contributions can be made on line at If you can donate frequent flyer miles, write to

The last three days of testimony will be January 20-22 in New York (see for details and registration). If you cannot attend in person, write to C-Span at today, and ask that they broadcast this historic event.

Judges: Adjoa Aiyetoro, Prof. of Law at Univ. of Arkansas; Dennis Brutus, South African exile poet; Abdeen Jabara, former president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee; Ajamu Sankofa, executive director of Physicians for Social Responsibility-NY; Ann Wright, former foreign service officer who resigned from the State Department to protest the war on Iraq.

Key Witnesses & Prosecutors: Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski; Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan; Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector; Lindsey German, Convener, UK Stop the War Coalition; Michael Ratner, president, Center for Constitutional Rights; Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst; Dahr Jamail, journalist reported extensively from Iraq; Marjorie Cohn, president-elect National Lawyers Guild; Barbara Olshansky, Center for Constitutional Rights; Ted Glick, Climate Crisis Coalition; Daphne Wysham, Institute for Policy Studies, Sustainable Energy & Economy Network; Tom Devine, Government Accountability Project; Chokwe Lumumba, attorney and human rights activist; Jeremy Scahill, The Nation; Steven Miles; Dr. Thomas Fasy; Katrina survivors; representative of

Also Video: Stop the War – The Iraq War 2003 -2006: evidence from Pentagon; BBC and Channel 4 film footage of Grave Breaches of The Hague and Geneva Conventions;

1945 Nuremberg Charter and United Nations Charter in support of Tony Benn's Submission to The UN and UK Attorney General of December 2005 (including leaked Pentagon gun-camera footage of the U.S. assault on Fallujah)

These hearing are an instrumentality of world humanity, arising from the historical, moral and political responsibility of people of conscience to sit in judgment of what is being done in their name. It is your financial support is what makes this possible. Please contribute what you think it is worth to have these crimes against documented as part of a comprehensive prosecution.

Volunteers needed in the New York area! Contact the office at