Thirty-three million people - including 13 million children - live in households that are hungry or at risk of hunger. They cannot wait. Letters to congress are needed immediately to urge them to improve and strengthen the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, commonly known as welfare, so it better meets the needs of low-income families. Bread for the World supports the WORK Act (Work Opportunities and Responsibility for Kids Act) and considers it a far better TANF reauthorization plan than the bill passed by the house. It has not, however, reached the full Senate floor for a vote. Tell Senator DeWine and Senator Voinovich to make reauthorization of TANF a priority. Call the capital switchboard at 220-224-3121, ask to be transferred to the Senators’ offices and make the following points:

Reauthorizing TANF is the most important decision that Congress will make for hungry and poor people in the U.S. this year, and it is critical that it gets done now.

I urge you to support the bipartisan WORK Act passed by the Finance Committee.