08 October 2013
Editor’s Note: This testimony was given today at the Ohio Statehouse following the committee session. The bill was passed out of committee with minor changes, none addressing the issues raised in this testimony. It was then reported to...
16 September 2013
September 17th, 2013, Frack Free Ohio and local residents will launch a county wide campaign to ban toxic fracking waste in Richland County. This is an exciting project for several reasons. We are widening our successful local efforts of...
03 September 2013
What do you call a proposal that breaks promises to city workers, destroys their family’s hard earned retirement security, lowers the city’s tax base, harms our fragile economy and actually requires the city of Cincinnati to pay out more...
01 September 2013

State news and views.

30 August 2013
What do you call a proposal that breaks promises to city workers, destroys their family’s hard earned retirement security, lowers the city’s tax base, harms our fragile economy and actually requires the city of Cincinnati to pay out more...
23 August 2013
After a hard fought four month campaign, the Columbus, Ohio Catholic Diocese has been forced to reach agreement with discharged 19 year gay teacher, Carla Hale. She had been fired by the Diocese when she returned to work after burying her...


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